Your ideal server / Best revision


Jun 14, 2024
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Hey chat,

Over the many years of flyff, there have been many revisions of the game. Ranging from v5 all the way to what we have to today. There were the days of the caali server emulator, and the many other emulators that were worked on, to the official source code. And over these years, many different private servers have come and went.

So chat,

What is your ideal server / best revision of the game you've seen. If you're going to mention a server currently up, please post a review in the server review section and then link it -- but only if that is your favorite server that has ever existed.

I didn't really have many favorites, I had a lot of noticeable ones for many different reasons.

1. Fly For Hero - Caali version: One of the first few servers to swap music out, and it was some giga great trance that I still try to look for today (cant find it). Out of all the Caali based servers, it had one of the best grinds.
2. Ignite Flyff - The majority of the game, it felt good.
3. Ace Flyff / Glory FlyFF - New maps and risks, new models, new systems. Glory was perfect but I think ace was rushed and it just came out a little early. Glory in compariosn was a bit better in terms of attempting to innovate. Leveling on the main map was enjoyable as well, and the graphics were smooth.
4. Onyx Flyff - I was a slut for those skill / pve balance edits.

At this point in time, I crave a quite a bit custom, a lot of hard work to make it look good, and flexible uniqueness. It's been rare since "mmo nostalgia" vibes have been captured, and i feel like more of us crave that then just "flyff nostalgia". Sometimes, if a few of these custom servers put in more work, or had better designs, I think they would have done a lot better.
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/!\ It's my personnal opinion /!\

I'm not a big flyff player but there are things I like to see in some servers :

  • Customs World : Only if it's low rate server, i like take my time to discover new monsters, environement ... (i am probably one boomer player yeah...)
  • I like new skill Or New Class, i have take many pleasure to discover New class From Ghost FlyFF. Was fun to play on PVE
  • New Pve System : when i play on a server, i like when the server have nice another activity like : Tower tournament, colisseum custom , Status Defender ...
  • Dare, it's important to create at least one or two original systems
  • New Dungeons ( Customs ) not see on XX anothers servers. / it's the minimum for me
  • Graphics improvements / Shader : Like Entropia FlyFF & Chronicles of Madrigal ! Damn that nice

BUUUUUTT ! But be careful not to go too far in the changes, players don't really like it when their game routines change, you need something new but in moderation, a bit like everything in life.

And things I don't like :

  • High Rate server with 350/450 levels. If you got High Server, WHY YOU DON'T reorganize your monster spawns accordingly like flaris lvl 1 > 60 / SM 60 > 80 .....?????????? WHY do I have to kill ONE aibait, ONE a lawalf then I have to change continents!!!! FUCK make sure to review your spawns, do minimal work!!
  • This goes back a bit to what I said above, but I hate sloppy servers. With bugs everywhere in the GUI, crappy icon, bugs everywhere, but damn already pumping all your work on other people's servers, ( source & resource release or stole) do a minimum of work! to attract a minimum!
  • The servers with a crappy site, so I'm not going to mention any names because it would take too much time, but please do a minimum, I don't know how to pay a designer 50euros to make you a pretty, attractive banner and logo... / The Azuriom does the job, but make an effort on the design..
  • Server with XX activity, you arrive on the server you understand nothing, there is too much new stuff, no guide in game, you understand nothing. like Dragon Crusade
  • Fucking PVP , i test recently Pvp : BUT WTF IS THIS SHIT I had never tried, but I got pissed off, what's the point of constantly jumping in a chicken cage and avoiding the asals or the pofs, but what's the fun?

And please everyone who is a server "Seasonnal my balls" you have to stop it stinks like shit.
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I have almost zero knowledge about all the "non-retail" Flyff systems.

But here's what my ideal Flyff game would look like(Balancing between the developer and player point).

First, I would get rid of the old dependencies, especially DirectX 9. Yeah, it would be a boring job, but it would make maintenance and graphical improvements a lot easier in the long run.

As for the exp rate... I’d basically set it to 0, or even remove it completely. Characters would only level up through quests.

I’d totally overhaul the dialogue system, especially for quests. The dialogue box is way too small, and I’ve often found myself skipping through and missing what was written.

The quest description could support some basic scripts to create simple 'cutscenes', like the ones in choice-based games, using existing models. It would be like a small instance on the client where the player could see and advance the dialogues with NPCs.

Quests would have higher requirements, like: kill 100 aibatts, to make players actually engage with the environment and, of course, improve spawns.
The requirements for high-level quests wouldn’t scale to ridiculous amounts, just a bit more challenging, but not over the top.I want the player to spend time getting to know/enjoying the region where the monster is, but I don't want him to have to spend his whole life there.
And of course, there would be a cash shop item that could reduce about 80% of a quest’s requirements for players who don’t have the time.

The reward for a quest would be a massive amount of exp, usually enough to move on to the next quest with a new monster.

Obviously, I’d want to see new classes, monsters, and maps... but I would start with these core points since they’re the most time-consuming and complex.

I don't know what to say about PK, I personally don't like it, but I know a lot of people who like the pay to win style. I just think the classes are too unbalanced for that.

Oh, I would also try to balance the game to make it less dependent on parties. I know that was an important point at the time of the game, but nowadays people don't have as much free time to spend looking for groups.
The thing i want to see, is more teamplay stuff within flyff, mostlt like all dungeons is like make charaxter max sta and go and kill boss. I want more that like classes is like a support/dps dealers and a tank. Like wow is.

And 2nd is like more skills/ability uses.

Like blade like never use dmg skills. But want more so whitehits does lower damage and ability make more dmg 😊
I'll join Lapin of many of his points, and push these :

  • Graphics : Can be many things but it's like AA, AF, other curve-based filters
  • Quality of the interface : Are buttons correctly translated, correctly placed on the window, have a texture. Custom interfaces are great, but often way too dark for Flyff. I personally like flyff gold interface (v19 interface).
  • Rates : I don't like very-low rates servers, they require a high amount of investment to just level-up and reach the actual server's custom features, and given the fact that most servers don't last more than 6 months, it's simply not worth it for me. I should be able to reach lv 15 in less than 15mn, and lvl 60
  • Social (Party finder, dungeon finder, guild finder...) : for a solo player like me, it's essential to have at least one of these
  • Private shops : having either a consignment market or offline vendors is a must-have

  • Community : a safe and secure place, where haters, trolls, and other funny-dudes are not welcome
  • Website : nice and fast website with clean, clear nagivation (fuck slow php-based websites, I find it outrageous to see a top-10 server to not take care of their website), https required and without warning or anything
  • Wiki / Guides : Very very important, any serious server should come with a set of guides explaining the key features, why not a leveling guide or something, anything really (please not a 3h long walkthrough on youtube)
  • Themed-maps (Christmas, Halloween...), I just love these (hi Entropia)

Red flags (I uninstall immediately)
  • If I login and I see the v15 flarine town
  • If I see player or guild names like "C*mShot" that kind of stuff (it says a lot about the owners, it also joins the "Community" bullet point above)


Things I don't care
  • If you have client crashes (as a flyff dev I know how hard it is to not have some)
  • If you don't have a content roadmap or show what are devs working on, it's fine we are all amateurs and understaffed
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