Pack Amelya dev flyff

Source Pack Amelya dev flyff

No permission to download
There's no password for this, yet I still got a warning for commenting 'password...'
Password is in the resource / overview tab of the release.

Typing "pass....." isn't a valid sentence even, so why are you complaining. You could have just browsed a bit longer or instead of spamming, or you could have actually typed, "Where is the password for this archive located" or something amongst those lines of communication rather simply "pass......". One is an inquiry, the other is pure and utter garbage.


You can see, "Overview".
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Reactions: Xenus and zOmbie
Password is in the resource / overview tab of the release.

Typing "pass....." isn't a valid sentence even, so why are you complaining. You could have just browsed a bit longer or instead of spamming, or you could have actually typed, "Where is the password for this archive located" or something amongst those lines of communication rather simply "pass......". One is an inquiry, the other is pure and utter garbage.

View attachment 647

You can see, "Overview".
Leechers tend to be lazy and don't look 🤷‍♂️
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Reactions: Xenus