Without wanting to be annoying, the issue is precisely that you keep swapping files without actually attempting to implement a complete system, which could be done with the help of WinMerge or, as I do, using another instance of Visual Studio and manually copying all the implementations from the system's define blocks.
At first glance, swapping the defineitem.h and spec_item files may seem to work, but that's not quite the case...
Other files in your source may be trying to use non-existent defines in the new define_item, which could cause problems.
The same goes for spec_item.txt , which uses text defines, and also textures that may not exist in the source you're using.
Also avoid using hardcoded strings inside your spec_item, for quick tests, I recommend using an existing string/definition, and if this part works, then you can edit the spect_item file more calmly, adding these strings correctly in the txt.txt file.
As previously mentioned by
@Wei Long , making the item appear using /ci XXXX is relatively simple, but the item will be useless without a system to use it ...
If your intention is just to make the item appear for now...I suggest you use the files that 'already work' as a base.
For example...
The Guru files that you mentioned.
If it 'works', just edit it, basically duplicating the last vip item:
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tho something like this:
II_SYS_SCR_VIP30 IDS_PROPITEM_TXT_014984 1 999 IK1_CHARGED IK2_SYSTEM IK3_VIP = = 1 = 4 = = = = = = = 0 = = 1 = = 1 = = = = = _NONE 0 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
2592000 = = WUI_NOW = = = = = =
6000 = = 0 0 0 0 0 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = SND_ITEM_GNEATFOOD = """Item_sys_scr_VIP.dds""" 0 """"""
IDS_PROPITEM_TXT_014985 1 140 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 = = = = = = = = = = 1 1 1 1 1 0
Modifying the parts I left in red to whatever you think is best.
And also add your new item to your defineitem.h
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Make sure that this nem define value is a unique value!!!
To make sure that the value is not in use by another define, the lazy way I use is:
1-Choose the value that you think is free, and put it in the file.
2-Use ctrl+f in Visual Studio, search for the value that you are using, only in this file, if more than one occurrence appears, you will have to use another number.
3-If this number does not appear, convert the value to hexadecimal (you can use the Windows calculator for this), and repeat the procedure of searching for the value, now in hexa, because some systems may choose to use values in hexa....
And also check your
log files, both Server and Client, as usually the error that is preventing this item from appearing will mention something about the item not being created.